Dec 122019

Silver Stars is a group of seniors who enjoy entertaining seniors – with songs and some short drama items.

Silver Stars does a one hour Spring Tour in May (rehearsing in April)  and continue with a Fall Tour of the same show in October.

Contact our Membership Chair Sue Frid  or our President, Peter Mansell  519-574-5455

We meet on the last Friday of every month at the 404 Wing on Dutton Drive in Waterloo for a Potluck and Karaoke fun.

Many of our newest members have come out to the Potluck, met us and joined there. In fact, one became part of our Fall Tour.

Email or call us to see if we are gathering when you can also come out.

There is a place for everyone !!

BTW, we plan to meet in January to see who wants to be in the 2020 touring show.

One way or another,….. See you soon,

Cheers from your Silver Stars friends.